Why are companies moving from Jira Service Management to Siit?

May 28, 2024
min read
Moving away from Jira Service Management to Siit

Why are companies moving from Jira Service Management to Siit?

Selecting the ideal service desk for your business can be challenging. Today, an internal ticketing tool extends beyond IT or Project Management; it's a crucial business asset that requires widespread organizational adoption, making this choice more significant than it was a decade ago. For years, Jira Service Management has dominated the market, but now Siit has emerged as a formidable contender, drawing customers away. So, what makes Siit the first truly worthy rival to Jira Service Management in the competitive landscape of service desks?

Product foundation of Siit vs Jira Service Management

The primary reason many companies are transitioning from Jira Service Management to Siit, or opting for Siit from the outset, lies in the fundamental differences in how these products are built.

"How the product is built" – really?
"But, as a user, I don't care how the developers at Siit or Jira Service Management built their tool. As long as it works and helps me achieve my goals, I'm happy..."

Fair enough. However, the architecture of these tools significantly impacts your success.

Your company's technology needs

Whether you're switching from Jira Service Management to Siit or contemplating which service desk system to implement, your company likely has distinct goals and teams for IT, HR, Finance, and internal operations. These teams collectively manage the employee journey. Ideally, IT, HR, Finance, and internal operations teams work in harmony to transform anonymous candidates into engaged and productive employees.

Each of these teams has specific roles:

  • The IT team manages information systems and their availability.
  • The HR team focuses on employee engagement.
  • The Finance team ensures company efficiency.
  • Other internal operation teams (DevOps, RevOps, etc.) support and integrate with these primary functions.

However, the reality is that an employee's journey is far from linear or predictable. Employees have diverse requests and encounter various issues throughout their lifecycle. It's not a straightforward progression from hiring to onboarding to engaged employees and then to proud alumni. There are countless touchpoints and variables influencing an employee's path to becoming a top performer.

Five core technology elements for internal operations

Amid this complexity, five core technology elements are crucial for the success of IT, HR, Finance, and internal operations teams:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Conversations (requests and communication)
  3. Automations
  4. Reporting
  5. Data

All internal teams need these elements, and there are numerous tools available to manage them. Many companies integrate different solutions to ensure they have the right tools for each team and stage of the employee journey. This involves selecting the appropriate knowledge base, ticketing system, automation software, business intelligence tools, and sub-software categories like asset management, IAM, payroll, engagement surveys, procurement, and more.

A typical technology stack to this would look similar to the below:

"But if I use Jira Service Management, I can get all these features in one platform."

And yes, you can—but there’s one key difference.

Choosing a service desk platform like Jira Service Management, part of Atlassian, may initially appear seamless and fully integrated. However, once you start using the tools and delve deeper, you'll find they’ve been pieced together through acquisitions. These are completely different tools with different frameworks, codebases, and purposes, all modified to fit under one brand.

Would you trust a spaceship built this way? With loose connections, data discrepancies, and different parts originally designed for separate purposes but later integrated to "fit the need"?

From a Jira Service Management perspective, this is exactly what has happened. The various tools acquired by Atlassian have been combined to create a unified system under the Atlassian brand.

Moreover, Atlassian primarily caters to software development teams, who are often the ones managing service desk challenges.

By building the tools this way, Jira Service Management customers may encounter several potential issues:

  • Isolated tools: Integrations may not be seamless, leading to IT, HR, Finance, and internal operations teams using disparate tools and data sources. This fragmentation results in inconsistent information and poor employee experiences.
  • Loss of context: Each tool has its own interface, system, purpose, and terminology, making it challenging for teams to become proficient with all of them.
  • Hindered growth: Adapting and scaling the tool to meet evolving needs becomes difficult due to the complex technical setup created by integrating multiple systems.

These side effects collectively hinder overall efficiency and impede growth.

“Okay so that’s Jira Service Management - but surely Siit is the same?”

In contrast to example one, where companies use multiple disconnected systems, and example two, where companies rely on a collection of acquired systems, Siit offers a unified solution. Siit integrates key components—knowledge, conversations, automation, reporting, and data—into a single codebase, framework, tool, and interface, ensuring everything is seamlessly connected.

With Siit, all tools are built on the same foundation. This means that no matter which part of Siit you use, you can expect a consistent and seamless experience.

The benefits of using a tool like Siit, compared to the previous examples, include:

Single source of truth: Your teams have a unified data source, eliminating missing or hidden data scattered across different systems. This consolidated view of employees and assets (CMDB) within the service desk is incredibly powerful. Robust roles and permissions management also ensures sensitive information is handled appropriately.

Intuitive UX: Your teams will master one platform, enhancing efficiency, instead of juggling multiple systems and tools and constantly switching between them.

Unified codebase: Making changes or adopting new tools within Siit is straightforward. There are minimal integration issues, allowing for easy adjustments and growth.

Are other factors to consider?

Jira Service Management / IBM Fired Scenario

Much like IBM in the 60s and 70s, Jira Service Management has been considered the safe, logical choice for service desks. Historically, IT managers chose IBM because it seemed like the safest bet, even if it wasn't the perfect fit. Similarly, over the past decade, selecting Jira Service Management has been seen as a secure choice—no one would be fired for choosing it (unless it was financially out of reach) because it was the only service desk capable of meeting the needs of both small and large companies. However, Siit is now the first real challenger to Jira Service Management in this space.

Enhanced User Adoption with Siit

Your team will likely find Siit more enjoyable and easier to adopt compared to Jira Service Management. We've worked with numerous companies that have transitioned teams of 100+ people from Jira Service Management (and tools like Zendesk) to Siit. Internal operations teams often express delight in using Siit, and employee adoption rates soar as they quickly recognize its benefits. Siit’s modern, 2024 interface ensures users don’t feel like they’re stepping back in time.

Cost Savings with Siit

Switching to Siit is generally more cost-effective. Jira Service Management charges per agent and requires paid add-ons for essential features. In contrast, Siit offers all the necessary features at a single advertised price, providing significant savings.

How easy is it to switch from Jira Service Management to Siit?

While it might seem daunting at first, a phased migration approach can make the transition from Jira Service Management to Siit seamless. The key is to ensure each phase is executed carefully and thoroughly to minimize business disruption.

Our team has successfully guided numerous companies through the migration process from Jira Service Management to Siit. We handle all aspects, including history migration, integrations, object mappings, user training, and employee communication, ensuring a smooth transition. You'll be up and running with Siit in no time.

Book a demo today to discuss your migration plan and receive tailored account management.

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Chalom Malka
Co-founder & CEO

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